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Corporate support

Thanks to the independent support and generosity of companies, MSF is able to work in conflicts and hostile environments providing emergency medical care.

There are various ways in which you can raise funds for MSF as a corporate supporter. This can include a one off donation, selecting us as your charity of the year, organising a fundraising event at work, participating in a challenge event, encouraging payroll giving and offering a matched giving scheme.

You can find some great ways to fundraise here. If you’d like to raise more awareness about our work in your office we can arrange for a member of our field teams to come and speak about their experiences. We have a range of fundraising resources which you can use to help you raise awareness and funds for MSF’s work.

As a humanitarian medical aid organisation, MSF strongly believes that we must not accept gifts from corporations or industries whose activities are in conflict with our humanitarian goals and medical values.

MSF CZ does not accept gifts from corporations and industries (including small businesses, companies, multinationals and corporate foundations etc.) that are in the following categories:

  • Tobacco, alcohol, arms manufacturing
  • Mineral, oil, gas and other extraction industries
  • Pharmaceutical industry

If you have any further questions, please contact Katerina Smolkova at +420 257 090 153 or by katerina.smolkova@prague.msf.org.