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Downloadable Desktops

We would like to offer our supporters some stunning photos that illustrate a place where MSF works for you to use as your desktop background.

Please feel free to send them to friends and family - all we ask is that they visit the site and read the description accompanying each image to raise some awareness of the work MSF does and the people we work with.

All of the photos you see here are by MSF staff or professional photographers (who have generously donated them to MSF).



Kenya, North Eastern Province. Two women cover up for a dust storm whilst pulling water from a well. Photo by Dieter Telemans.

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By 2006, a combination of the full or partial failure of the past three rainy seasons and the decades-long overstretching of natural resources had been devastating for the region.

"We had people at the office from dawn to dusk begging for water," explained Ibrahim Younis, emergency coordinator for MSF at the time. "Our initial aim was to provide therapeutic feeding, but when we realised how critical the water situation was, we had to quickly begin providing drinkable water to villages. Up to now we've delivered about half a million litres, but the appalling state of the roads has made this a tough task."



This downloadable desktop (by Francesco Zizola) shows a mother and child at a malnutrition feeding centre in Ethiopia.

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MSF responded immediately to the acute nutritional crisis in Southern Ethiopia in 2008 and opened 50 centres all over the country. Patients came once a week to these centres to receive consultation, specialised food for malnutrition and a food ration for their family to help prevent further malnutrition. If cases of malnutrition became serious, then patients were treated in hospitals with MSF doctors available 24 hours a day. In 2008 MSF helped to treat over 60,000 children suffering from malnutrition in Southern Ethiopia.



This desktop image shows an MSF doctor attending to a young cholera patient in Mudzi, Zimbabwe.

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The cholera outbreak of 2008/09 was the worst the country had ever faced and by March 2009 nearly 90,000 people had been affected. MSF set up many cholera treatment centres around the country and treated tens of thousands of patients. MSF have also worked to prevent further spread of cholera, helping to provide safe drinking water for as many people as possible.